Get Air Duct Testing and Stop Wasting Your Money
Count on the technicians at All Gas Heating & Cooling, Inc. to examine your air ducts for possible leaks. Our personnel will inspect your ductwork to determine their condition and make any necessary recommendations for sealing. The entire process is a quick, reliable, and cost-effective way to ensure you are not wasting energy and cash.
The Importance of Duct Testing
Studies show that 10% to 30% of heated and cooled air is lost due to leaky ducts, along with the energy and money spent treating that air. Properly sized, installed, and sealed ductwork will make your heating and cooling systems more efficient. Energy loss is not the only concern. Leaky duct systems can also affect the comfort of your family and your indoor air quality.
We conduct air duct testing to locate leaks or damages and determine the right areas to focus on repairs. Since your ducts are an integral component of your heating and cooling system, this area offers one of the best opportunities to increase your energy efficiency, boost your comfort, and manage your utility bills.
Get a duct leakage test done to gauge the efficiency of your HVAC system. Making just a few simple repairs to your leaky ducts can reduce your overall energy expenditure dramatically. Fixing your ductwork is especially crucial on hot summer days when your system may already strain to deliver clean air to every room.

Duct testing is the process of using calibrated, mechanical equipment to measure the amount of airflow that is lost through the duct system when it is at normal operating pressure. Find out what condition your ducts are in by hiring our trained air duct technicians.
While some joints or seams may have only small leaks, other sections may be completely disconnected. This testing indicates the relative leakiness of the ducts and helps determine whether the duct system should be sealed, repaired, or renovated. Talk to our certified air duct technician after the examination is complete to find out if his or her recommendations apply for your system.
Know when to request testing to gain the most savings.
A duct leakage test is strongly recommended when a new heating or air-conditioning unit is being installed. If the existing duct system is leaky and inefficient before the new unit is put in, it will still continue to do so after installation unless the ducts are tested and sealed. It makes little sense to invest in a new HVAC unit unless the duct system is also energy efficient.
Air duct testing is also recommended when a diagnostic tune-up is performed on a heating and air-conditioning unit. This process can improve the operating efficiency of the unit itself, but the overall efficiency will still be less than adequate if the duct system is not in good condition.
When you get your duct pressure testing results, several procedures may be recommended to improve your system’s efficiency. One of the most common recommendations is duct sealing.
Air duct sealing involves following established procedures to apply approved materials that seal air leaks. This process results in increased energy efficiency, lessened energy usage, and increased air quality.
Your air duct technician will determine the location where sealing is needed. Common areas include:
- Supply and return plenums connected to the furnace cabinet
- Starting collars where ducts are connected to the plenums
- Fittings in the duct run such as Ys, where ducts branch off, and elbows
- Splices within the duct run
- Terminations where the ducts connect to the supply registers
The most important location is in the supply and return plenums. These areas are closest to the HVAC system and are subjected to high pressure when the system is operating.
Duct Sealing Standards
All sealing must be performed according to current Massachusetts State Building Codes and any related energy efficiency program standards. These codes and standards address the type of mastic sealant, pressure-sensitive tape, and band ties used to seal duct systems correctly.
The proper tape used for duct sealing will have a UL 181 marking or label on its outside surface. Likewise, the proper duct mastic sealant will also have a UL 181 label. To find out whether your duct pressure testing results indicate a need for sealing or another type of repair, talk to our technicians.